Existential Therapy was developed by philosophers Friedrick Nietzache and Soren Kierkegaard in the 1800s. It makes sense that they were philosophers because this approach is very philosophical. I find it works very well with my clients who are philosophical thinkers by nature and truly understand and make meaning of their world and human experience by pondering and examining personal existential questions. Kierkegaard once said that human discontent could only be overcome through internal wisdom. This approach to therapy emphasizes the human condition as a whole. The therapist does not focus on the client’s past with this approach, however, they focus more on helping the client to discover and explore the choices they currently have. The past is only used as a tool toward freedom and assertiveness. Some key terms with this approach to therapy are freedom and associated responsibility, death, isolation, and (perceived) meaninglessness.
Based in SF Bay Area, CA, currently offering telemedicine California wide & off-site clinical supervision.
+1 (650) 402 1377
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