Sun & Moon Mindfulness Meditation Bundle For Children

Sun & Moon Mindfulness Meditation Bundle For Children


I created these 2 guided mindfulness meditations for the children I work with in my private practice as a tool to regulate emotions, exercise imagination and creative thinking in a playful way, to soothe and balance the nervous system during times of stress with distance learning during this pandemic. I have also used these meditations as tools for transitions for children. For example, parents can play The Ball of Sunlight Mindfulness Mediation (guided) in the morning upon waking up and The Moonglow Light Mindfulness Meditation (guided) before bedtime. Many of the children I work with reported feeling calm or safe while doing the meditations and I believe the meditations help to promote a sense of empowerment, emotional independence, and self-mastery for children because they are strengthening their own creativity and imaginations to nature and care for themselves.


This product includes the following:

☼ 1 Audio for The Ball of Sunlight Mindfulness Meditation (guided).
☼ 1 Script that goes with The Ball of Sunlight Mindfulness Meditation if you prefer to read to the child using your own voice
☾☽ 1 Audio for The Ball of Moon Glow Light Mindfulness Meditation (guided).
☾☽ 1 Script that goes with The Moon Glow Light Mindfulness Meditation if you prefer to read to the child using your own voice.

I hope you enjoy it! They were so much fun to make. I hope others can benefit or get inspired to make their own! These meditation go along with a children’s book I recently made called ¨My Animal Friends¨ that is in the process of either being sold as an eBook or published booklet. Check back soon for that!

Please note that I made these meditations for children, but they are not limited to any age. My tone of voice is geared toward using it with children.

These mindfulness meditations are intended for:
  • Parents to use it as a tool with children if they feel comfortable.
  • Teachers to use as a tool in the classroom if they feel comfortable.
  • Therapists can use it as a tool in their work with children if they feel competent.
  • As an additional resource or tool for your personal self-care practice.

Thank you so much!

Rachel Howard, LMFT, ATR-BC, RYT

Friendly Disclaimer: This product and information is not intended to be used in replacement of work with a licensed therapist or is to be utilized as a form of treatment. Please seek extra support from a licensed therapist if needed.