Tag: art therapy

Feelings Rocks – fostering emotional intelligence through psycho education and Art Therapy.

Hello and welcome to this entry in my professional journal!   In this entry, I share an Art Therapy exercise that also acts as a metaphor that aides my clients to understand their feelings a little easier. As a clinician, I like to use metaphor when talking about feelings due to the complexity, overwhelm, and/or…
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A mandala a day art practice.

Welcome to this new professional entry! This entry is going to be short and sweet. I am tuning in to share a video I made of a little art journal, each page/spread filled with a mandala for the day. This practice was something I learned about as an Art Therapist. It is simple and easy…
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“Just Like Us” Mural Painting Art Therapy Professional Research Project

The image above shows the mural I painted and left behind for the children at the end of my research project. The finished mural we painted over the course of 8 months is not shown as it is a confidential piece of art that lives in an emergency domestic violence shelter at a protected location…
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Closure Art in Group Therapy Setting

In this professional entry, I share one of my favorite Art Therapy directives that I enjoy using in group therapy! The image above depicts my finished Art Therapy “product” or special art object. This was done during our group’s last Art Therapy group session together. The Art Therapist cuts little pieces of card stock, Bristol…
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Individuation, Art Therapy & Astrology

In my studies in Astrology and Spirituality, I love the belief that although we are born pure and as a blank canvas as little human babies (awaiting the excitement of natural human development) we are also born with innate gifts: each one of us. These are not talents or skills, but effortless gifts; it is…
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