Tag: arttherapist

“Just Like Us” Mural Painting Art Therapy Professional Research Project

The image above shows the mural I painted and left behind for the children at the end of my research project. The finished mural we painted over the course of 8 months is not shown as it is a confidential piece of art that lives in an emergency domestic violence shelter at a protected location…
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Individuation, Art Therapy & Astrology

In my studies in Astrology and Spirituality, I love the belief that although we are born pure and as a blank canvas as little human babies (awaiting the excitement of natural human development) we are also born with innate gifts: each one of us. These are not talents or skills, but effortless gifts; it is…
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Mindfulness + Nature Practice

Beauty is there if you look for it. During my graduate studies, I became inspired by an artist from Australia named Hailey Bartholomew and her 365 grateful project. She has such a beautiful way of making a gratitude practice so much fun, creative, and playful! Hailey helped me in my self-care practice. I fell in…
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